“We are so thankful for the help Rock Island Village has given us. After our dad had his stroke he was not able to stay in his own home alone. The staff has made this difficult transition a very good experience.
Rock Island is so accountable and reliable. If we have any questions or concerns, someone is always answering them. Always. We cannot thank them enough for caring so much, all of the time.
Our first impression was so great, and now almost six months later we still feel the same way. They told us our dad would have a rough transition time, and sure enough, after that, he became so content. And that we are thankful for that, too.”
– Respectfully, Amy Pike and Family

“With a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s 3 years ago, I began the business of finding a place my mom could be treated with love, care & integrity and maintain her slowly shrinking finances. After all is said and done, care wins. I searched all of southwest Missouri looking for a facility.
In my search I found Rock Island Village in Eldon, which is a familyowned community. They’re a smaller facility where the staff all know your name. They totally understand my mom and her personality. I visit mom routinely and have found the bottom line of Rock Island to be ‘lovingly-given care’. She isn’t just another person within the “census” of a large establishment, but my mom…the mother of me.
Finances are another concern when a loved one needs enhanced care above what the family can provide. I am the only child, and I became unable to adequately care for my mom. It preyed upon me that I couldn’t be enough. However, my mom is content, safe and happy with the cost being far less per month than the large, corporate institutions.
I hope I can convey the peace I feel with the care and also help you with your journey in finding the right place for your loved one. I can now say I rest peacefully at night knowing my mom is also resting peacefully under the care of Rock Island Village.”
– Vicky Loggins of Camdenton, MO